Set Up Your Wallet

If you're familiar with web3 fundamentals and already have your own crypto wallet, feel free to jump ahead to the next section!

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Download Coinbase Wallet

Note: If you already have a crypto wallet like MetaMask that interacts with the Ethereum blockchain, you may skip setting up Coinbase Wallet.

You will need Chrome browser for this setup. Download the browser here.

  1. Download the Coinbase Wallet Chrome extension. You can find the link here.

  2. Upon downloading the extension, a new tab should open where you'll be guided through the wallet creation process. Be sure to select Create a new wallet and then follow the prompts.

IMPORTANT: This wallet will be used specifically for developing your dapp. This wallet should NOT be used to receive payments or send real $ to!

  1. You should write down your recovery phrase and keep it safe as best practice, but if you lose this wallet, nothing will happen because this is strictly a development wallet.

  2. Once you've created your wallet, click on the puzzle piece icon at the top right of your Chrome browser search bar. Pin the extension to your toolbar by clicking on the pin icon.

Pin Coinbase Extension

  1. After you pin the extension, click on the vertical three-dot icon and then click "Manage Extension".

Manage Coinbase Extension

  1. This should lead you to a new tab where you can manage extensions. In the top right corner, toggle Developer mode to be ON.

Toggle Developer Mode

  1. Click on the Coinbase Wallet extension icon to interact with your wallet. Click the Settings icon and then click on "Default network".

  2. Scroll down the list of networks until you see the option to Enable testnets. Toggle Enable testnets to be ON.

Enable testnets

  1. Enabling testnets should have expanded the list of networks. Scroll down the list of Testnets to find Polygon Mumbai. Select Polygon Mumbai as your default network.

Wallet Safety Tips

  • Never share your PRIVATE KEY or SECRET RECOVERY PHRASE with anyone. Anyone who has your private key can access your account (or, in some cases: multiple accounts, depending on the wallet.)

  • Do not click on any suspicious links. Much like the centralized version of the web, scammers are looking for an easy way to make their next buck. You may receive suspicious links in direct messages on Discord, tweets on Twitter, and even emails that claim to be from wallet support. As a general rule of thumb, web3 support teams will not reach out to you. Most of the time, the actual support team can be contacted on the official website. For example, MetaMask only offers support via their Help Center and their Community Channels.

  • Store your seed phrase somewhere safe and secure. Computers can be hacked. Ultimately, the safest way to store your seed phrase is by writing it down on a piece of paper and keeping it in a safe location that only you have access to. Alternatively, while not as safe as pen and paper, using a detachable media device like a USB stick or external hard drive is another potential option.

  • For many interactions, use a burner wallet. Using a burner wallet to mint NFTs is safer than connecting your main wallet to a website and interacting with it. There have been instances of scams happening where people have reported their entire wallets getting drained due to connecting it to a website. While this only happens occasionally, it is best to be prepared and to keep your other precious assets safe from potential scammers.

Writers: Cami, Kristen, Editors: Deborah Emeni, Christina Mills, Sarah Z