Custom Solidity Events

Define Events

Recall that Solidity events are a way for our subgraph to listen for specific actions to enable us to make queries about the data from our smart contract. We have functions written to create a new event on our platform, RSVP to an event, confirm individual attendees, confirm the group of attendees, and send unclaimed funds back to the event owner. In order for our subgraph to be able to access the information from these functions, we need to expose them via events. We'll write the following events and emit them inside of their corresponding function:

  • NewEventCreated: exposes data about the new event like the owner, max capacity, event owner, deposit amount, etc.
  • NewRSVP: exposes data about the user who RSVP'd and the event they RSVP'd to
  • ConfirmedAttendee: exposes data about the user who was confirmed and the event that they were confirmed for
  • DepositsPaid: exposes data about unclaimed deposits being sent to the event organizer

All of our events are denoted by using the keyword event, followed by the custom name for our event.

Define your events at the very top of your file, inside the curly braces (right after contract Web3RSVP {):

event NewEventCreated( bytes32 eventID, address creatorAddress, uint256 eventTimestamp, uint256 maxCapacity, uint256 deposit, string eventDataCID ); event NewRSVP(bytes32 eventID, address attendeeAddress); event ConfirmedAttendee(bytes32 eventID, address attendeeAddress); event DepositsPaidOut(bytes32 eventID);

Emit Events

Now that we've defined them, we actually have to emit them somewhere. Defining events is adding them as a tool on your toolbelt, but emitting them is actually pulling that tool out and using it. Each event should be emitted where it makes sense, after a specific action has been taken.

For our first event, newEventCreated, we should emit this at the very end of our function createNewEvent.

To emit an event, we use the keyword emit and then pass in the arguments, AKA the actual values we want, based on the parameters we defined.

Emit NewEventCreated at the bottom of your createNewEvent function like this:

emit NewEventCreated( eventId, msg.sender, eventTimestamp, maxCapacity, deposit, eventDataCID );

NewRSVP should be emitted at the very end of our function createNewRSVP like this:

emit NewRSVP(eventId, msg.sender);

ConfirmedAttendees should be emitted at the very end of our function confirmAttendee like this:

emit ConfirmedAttendee(eventId, attendee);

DepositPaidOut should be emitted at the very end of our function withdrawUnclaimedDeposits like this:

emit DepositsPaidOut(eventId);

You Did It!

You've written your functions, defined your structs, and defined custom events! This is what your final code should look like:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.4; contract Web3RSVP { event NewEventCreated( bytes32 eventID, address creatorAddress, uint256 eventTimestamp, uint256 maxCapacity, uint256 deposit, string eventDataCID ); event NewRSVP(bytes32 eventID, address attendeeAddress); event ConfirmedAttendee(bytes32 eventID, address attendeeAddress); event DepositsPaidOut(bytes32 eventID); struct CreateEvent { bytes32 eventId; string eventDataCID; address eventOwner; uint256 eventTimestamp; uint256 deposit; uint256 maxCapacity; address[] confirmedRSVPs; address[] claimedRSVPs; bool paidOut; } mapping(bytes32 => CreateEvent) public idToEvent; function createNewEvent( uint256 eventTimestamp, uint256 deposit, uint256 maxCapacity, string calldata eventDataCID ) external { // generate an eventID based on other things passed in to generate a hash bytes32 eventId = keccak256( abi.encodePacked( msg.sender, address(this), eventTimestamp, deposit, maxCapacity ) ); address[] memory confirmedRSVPs; address[] memory claimedRSVPs; //this creates a new CreateEvent struct and adds it to the idToEvent mapping idToEvent[eventId] = CreateEvent( eventId, eventDataCID, msg.sender, eventTimestamp, deposit, maxCapacity, confirmedRSVPs, claimedRSVPs, false ); emit NewEventCreated( eventId, msg.sender, eventTimestamp, maxCapacity, deposit, eventDataCID ); } function createNewRSVP(bytes32 eventId) external payable { // look up event CreateEvent storage myEvent = idToEvent[eventId]; // transfer deposit to our contract / require that they sent in enough ETH require(msg.value == myEvent.deposit, "NOT ENOUGH"); // require that the event hasn't already happened (<eventTimestamp) require(block.timestamp <= myEvent.eventTimestamp, "ALREADY HAPPENED"); // make sure event is under max capacity require( myEvent.confirmedRSVPs.length < myEvent.maxCapacity, "This event has reached capacity" ); // require that msg.sender isn't already in myEvent.confirmedRSVPs for (uint8 i = 0; i < myEvent.confirmedRSVPs.length; i++) { require(myEvent.confirmedRSVPs[i] != msg.sender, "ALREADY CONFIRMED"); } myEvent.confirmedRSVPs.push(payable(msg.sender)); emit NewRSVP(eventId, msg.sender); } function confirmAllAttendees(bytes32 eventId) external { // look up event CreateEvent memory myEvent = idToEvent[eventId]; // make sure you require that msg.sender is the owner of the event require(msg.sender == myEvent.eventOwner, "NOT AUTHORIZED"); // confirm each attendee for (uint8 i = 0; i < myEvent.confirmedRSVPs.length; i++) { confirmAttendee(eventId, myEvent.confirmedRSVPs[i]); } } function confirmAttendee(bytes32 eventId, address attendee) public { // look up event CreateEvent storage myEvent = idToEvent[eventId]; // make sure you require that msg.sender is the owner of the event require(msg.sender == myEvent.eventOwner, "NOT AUTHORIZED"); // require that attendee is in myEvent.confirmedRSVPs address rsvpConfirm; for (uint8 i = 0; i < myEvent.confirmedRSVPs.length; i++) { if(myEvent.confirmedRSVPs[i] == attendee){ rsvpConfirm = myEvent.confirmedRSVPs[i]; } } require(rsvpConfirm == attendee, "NO RSVP TO CONFIRM"); // require that attendee is NOT in the claimedRSVPs list for (uint8 i = 0; i < myEvent.claimedRSVPs.length; i++) { require(myEvent.claimedRSVPs[i] != attendee, "ALREADY CLAIMED"); } // require that deposits are not already claimed require(myEvent.paidOut == false, "ALREADY PAID OUT"); // add them to the claimedRSVPs list myEvent.claimedRSVPs.push(attendee); // sending eth back to the staker (bool sent,) ={value: myEvent.deposit}(""); // if this fails if (!sent) { myEvent.claimedRSVPs.pop(); } require(sent, "Failed to send Ether"); emit ConfirmedAttendee(eventId, attendee); } function withdrawUnclaimedDeposits(bytes32 eventId) external { // look up event CreateEvent memory myEvent = idToEvent[eventId]; // check if already paid require(!myEvent.paidOut, "ALREADY PAID"); // check if it's been 7 days past myEvent.eventTimestamp require( block.timestamp >= (myEvent.eventTimestamp + 7 days), "TOO EARLY" ); // only the event owner can withdraw require(msg.sender == myEvent.eventOwner, "MUST BE EVENT OWNER"); // calculate how many people didn't claim by comparing uint256 unclaimed = myEvent.confirmedRSVPs.length - myEvent.claimedRSVPs.length; uint256 payout = unclaimed * myEvent.deposit; // mark as paid before sending to avoid reentrancy attack myEvent.paidOut = true; // send the payout to the owner (bool sent, ) ={value: payout}(""); // if this fails if (!sent) { myEvent.paidOut = false; } require(sent, "Failed to send Ether"); emit DepositsPaidOut(eventId); } }

βœ‹ Need Help?

If you need help, check to see if your question has already been asked in #section-3-help. If you don't see it in there, post a question with any details that would make it easy for a team member to help you. We'll answer most frequently asked questions in live office hours, so keep an eye out in #announcements for those!

🏝 Break Time

You just wrote custom events and defined all of the functions needed to operate Web3RSVP! Hit the Share button below to tweet out and enter the chance to win one of our prizes πŸ‘€. Paste your tweet in #builders-hype, and we'll choose a winner in the next 72 hours.

End of Day 4

Writers: Cami